Feminine Leadership and why it's not just for women - Copy

Feminine Leadership and why it's not just for women - Copy

In a world where leadership has long been defined by traditionally masculine traits—assertiveness, competition, and dominance—it’s time for a paradigm shift. ...more


January 08, 20254 min read

What if it's Not Perimenopause, but Stress & Burnout Instead?

What if it's Not Perimenopause, but Stress & Burnout Instead?

As women, we are often taught to expect certain changes as we approach midlife. When I started experiencing fatigue, mood swings, brain fog, and sleepless nights, I immediately assumed it was perimeno... ...more

Wellbeing ,Lifestyle &leadership

October 18, 20244 min read

Reimagining Boardroom Balance: Beyond Gender to Energetic Harmony

Reimagining Boardroom Balance: Beyond Gender to Energetic Harmony

The time has come to shift the narrative from a binary view of gender balance to a broader and more nuanced approach: balancing masculine and feminine energies in the boardroom. ...more


August 30, 20246 min read

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